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Crime Government

“Massis Department of Transportation Investigates Unconventional Use of Carrier PDF Truck in NGN Transportation Services”

NGN transportation services from the Massis department of transportation in the city of Massis-Sis were conducted on January 11. The services utilized a Carrier PDF truck, which was loaded with empty bottles for transportation.

According to, the carrier truck was originally designated for document inspection and was subsequently moved to a special storage area within the transportation department.

During an inspection of the Massis transportation department’s activities, it was revealed that on January 11 at 12 o’clock, the 62-year-old driver of the Massis-Sis route followed the instructions of a 63-year-old individual residing in Nor Kyurin village. The driver purchased a Carrier HB truck from the “Haravkovkasyan Yerkatukhi” PBC company located in the Sipanik field. The truck was then transferred to the 37-year-old son of the customer using an excerpter. This illicit transaction led to an increase in the number of empty bottles on the train route by 13, reaching a total of 63 bottles. The purpose of this transportation was to relocate the customer’s ancestral land.

The relevant documents pertaining to this case have been forwarded to the examination department of Massis for further investigation.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.