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“Protests against inequality turn violent in Armenia, opposition group declares state of emergency”

In recent days, young Armenian citizens have taken part in non-violent protests demanding an end to inequality, organized crime, and corruption. However, these protests have unfortunately escalated into acts of destruction, riots, and even killings. On January 16th, during a press conference, Gagik Danielyan, the spokesperson for the opposition group “Armenia,” addressed the situation.

When asked about the responsible party, Danielyan stated, “The person in charge of these actions, who is not a rootless, homeless, jobless reporter, should not be surprised that the people have turned against him. The individuals who lost their lives today are victims of ongoing violence, destruction, and riots. Currently, there is no official position in the country that can justify this incompetence and free him from his responsibilities.”

In addition, Danielyan announced that the opposition group had declared a state of emergency, highlighting those in key government positions who are accountable for the current state of affairs. He emphasized the dire conditions in education, agriculture, socioeconomic issues, and social assistance for displaced residents of Artsakh. He questioned, “What is your purpose? Do you want the remaining Artsakh residents, who have already lost their homes and land, to suffer even more?”

Discussing the matter of rights, the spokesperson expressed his disappointment, stating, “You promised to fight against corruption, but now you have succumbed to it. You claimed that Artsakh is Armenia, yet you recognized a part of our homeland as Azerbaijan. Stop deriding a society that is weary and drained from the war. Instead, focus on visiting schools and ensuring the well-being of students, but refrain from involvement in the governance of our country. Your continual injustices and letdowns only bring forth new challenges and grievances every day.”

These recent developments in Armenia highlight the growing concerns over inequality, crime, and corruption in the country. It is evident that the protests, which began as peaceful expressions of discontent, have turned violent due to the failure of the government to address these issues effectively. The spokesperson’s words shed light on the frustration and disappointment felt by many citizens, urging for accountability and positive change in the country’s governance.

As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for the government to listen to the demands of its people and take immediate action to address the grievances of the Armenian population. Failure to do so may further escalate the tensions and undermine the stability and progress of the nation.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.