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RA NSS Head Vahe Ghazaryan to Meet with Parents of “Red Berets” Victims in Gesture of Condolence

The head of the RA NSS, Vahe Ghazaryan, has expressed his determination to meet with the parents of the victims affected by the actions of the “red berets.” This announcement was made during a press conference held on January 15, 2023, in Mamikonyan’s Asulis.

In regards to the ongoing investigation, Minister Ghazaryan stated that no negligence has been discovered with regards to the parents of the victims. He expressed his deepest condolences to the relatives and expressed his desire to meet with the bereaved families who were in Yerevan on September 21, 2022, when the tragic incident took place.

This commitment from the head of the RA NSS shows a clear dedication to ensuring justice and providing support to those affected by the actions of the “red berets.” It highlights the importance of acknowledging the pain and suffering that these families have endured and the need for healing and closure. The meeting with the bereaved families has the potential to offer solace and a sense of understanding in this difficult time.

The press conference held on January 15, 2023, allowed Minister Ghazaryan to address the public and shed light on the progress of the investigation. The absence of negligence in relation to the parents of the victims demonstrates the thoroughness and impartiality with which the investigation is being conducted.

As the news of this commitment by the head of the RA NSS spreads, it will undoubtedly provide some reassurance to the bereaved families and the public as a whole. The willingness to meet with the families affected by this tragedy displays a level of compassion and empathy that is necessary in times of distress and grief.