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Mayor of Masis Announces Funeral of Fallen Soldier Beniamin Manucharyan

The Mayor of the city of Masis, David Hambardzumyan, took to his Facebook page to share some somber news with the residents. In his heartfelt announcement, he informed the community that the funeral of fallen soldier Beniamin Manucharyan, who tragically lost his life on the frontline, would be held today.

The statement, which was posted on Facebook, read, “Dear residents, I inform you that the funeral of Beniamin Manucharyan will be held today at 17:00 at the cemetery in Masis.” This news undoubtedly cast a solemn cloud over the city, as they prepared to bid farewell to a brave individual who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

The loss of Beniamin Manucharyan serves as a powerful reminder of the harsh realities faced by soldiers on the frontline. His dedication and bravery will forever be remembered and honored by the community of Masis. The funeral proceedings, scheduled to take place at the city’s cemetery at 17:00, will undoubtedly be a poignant and emotional event, as friends, family, and fellow citizens gather to pay their final respects.

As the news of the funeral spread throughout Armenia, the entire nation mourned the loss of yet another hero. The courage and sacrifice demonstrated by individuals like Beniamin Manucharyan reflect the unwavering spirit of the Armenian people, who have consistently shown their resilience in the face of adversity.

Beniamin’s story is a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the sacrifices made by soldiers in the defense of their homeland. It is through events like funerals that communities come together to honor the fallen and provide support to their grieving families. The funeral in Masis will undoubtedly be a testament to the strength of unity and solidarity within the city.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.