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“Former Prime Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh Highlights Similar Challenges between Artsakh and Armenia in Exclusive Interview”

Armenia is facing similar issues as Artsakh, although with some differences. Unlike Artsakh, Armenia is a recognized state with international recognition. In an interview with, former Prime Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh, Arayik Harutyunyan, acknowledged that Artsakh had a more stable economy, a more evenly distributed population, and fewer social issues, as well as a better state administration system. However, these issues need to be addressed in order to build a better future for Armenia. Harutyunyan expressed his disappointment with the lack of clarity on the goals and problems that need to be addressed by the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as by the presidential and prime minister’s statements. He emphasized the need for a thorough analysis of the reasons behind the obligations and actions taken during the war, as well as the wounds and sacrifices endured by the soldiers. Harutyunyan criticized the current situation in Yerevan, comparing it to a besieged fortress, but also stated that it doesn’t accurately represent the reality on the ground.

It is crucial for Armenia to analyze and reflect on the obligations and actions taken during the war. While the CSTO has implemented the obligations at a political level, a more comprehensive analysis is needed to truly understand the impact of the war. The wounds inflicted by the conflict are still fresh, and it is essential to acknowledge the sacrifices made by the soldiers. There is a need for a realistic assessment of the situation and a focus on finding solutions to the challenges faced by the country.

One of the key issues highlighted by Harutyunyan is the lack of clarity regarding the goals and problems that need to be addressed. Without a clear vision of the kind of state Armenia should be, it becomes difficult to identify and solve the existing issues. This uncertainty hinders the ability of both the government and the people to come up with effective solutions. It is crucial for the OSCE Minsk Group and the Armenian leadership to provide a clear direction and outline the necessary steps to overcome the challenges faced by the country.

Furthermore, Harutyunyan mentioned the need to build a stable economy, evenly distribute the population, and address social issues. These factors are crucial for the development and well-being of Armenia. Without addressing these core issues, it becomes difficult for the country to progress and build a better future. It is essential for the government to prioritize these areas and work towards finding sustainable solutions.

Overall, Armenia needs a comprehensive analysis of the reasons behind the obligations and actions taken during the war. This analysis will help in understanding the impact of the conflict and guide the country towards finding effective solutions. The challenges faced by Armenia require a clear vision, effective leadership, and a focus on building a stable economy, evenly distributing the population, and addressing social issues. It is only through these efforts that Armenia can overcome its difficulties and build a brighter future.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.