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Environment Research Science

Association of Chemists and Toxicologists in Russia Collaborates with NAS RA to Improve Detection and Analysis of Pollutants and Toxins

In the world, there has been an increase in the levels of pollutants, such as toxic substances and pollutants, in our country. The emergence of new types of pollutants and their detection and composition require the use of new equipment and methods, as well as timely and comprehensive research by experts in the field.

To address these issues, has approached chemists and toxicologists, as well as experts in chemical sciences, for an interview with Sergei Aleksandri Savchuk, the head of the Association of Chemists and Toxicologists of Russia.

Our association was established in 2016 and brings together chemists and toxicologists from Russia, Belarus, Italy, and Moldova. We conduct research in the field of chemical and toxicological analysis, as well as the development and application of new methods and techniques. We have approached the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia (NAS RA) to collaborate and implement the experience gained from our association to improve the effectiveness of chemical and toxicological investigations.

The association was established to address the challenges in the detection and analysis of pollutants and toxins. We work with methodological approaches that involve experts and experienced researchers from different countries. The association in Armenia is based on the order of NAS RA, and our goal is to implement advanced methods and techniques in the detection and analysis of pollutants and toxic substances.

The goal of laboratory equipment and its application is to achieve accurate and reliable results in the detection and analysis of pollutants and toxins. The advanced analytical equipment used in chemical and toxicological research allows for greater precision and accuracy in detecting and analyzing pollutants and toxins in various environmental samples. With these methods and techniques, we aim to improve the quality and reliability of investigations and provide more accurate and complete results.

The detection and analysis of pollutants and toxins in the environment is a complex task, especially in the case of pollutants and toxins in the air. To improve the detection of new types of pollutants, effective methods and techniques, such as gas chromatography, need to be developed and implemented. Our current laboratories and equipment allow us to detect and identify common pollutants and toxins, but the challenge is to develop new and advanced methods to improve the effectiveness of investigations.

One of the methods being discussed is gas chromatography, which has been successfully used for many years. The correlation between gas chromatography and liquid chromatography is being investigated for its potential use in analyzing more complex investigations. The laboratories of NAS RA have existing equipment that allows for the detection and identification of various pollutants and toxins. Our goal is to implement advanced methods and improve existing techniques for the detection of new types of pollutants.

As professionals in this field, we face the challenge of ensuring the comparability and accuracy of results by standardizing methods and techniques. It is important to improve the techniques used in the detection and analysis of pollutants and toxins in different samples. Our research should be based on reliable methods and properly interpreted results. Standardized testing procedures and protocols should be developed and implemented to improve the quality and effectiveness of investigations.

The equipment and methods used in chemical and toxicological analysis are closely related and contribute to the accuracy and reliability of detection and analysis. There should be a clear correlation between the two, and methods should not be redundant but complement each other to improve the quality and effectiveness of investigations.

In conclusion, the Association of Chemists and Toxicologists in Russia aims to address the challenges in the detection and analysis of pollutants and toxins through the development and implementation of advanced methods and techniques. Collaboration with NAS RA and other institutions allows us to exchange experiences and implement joint research programs to improve the effectiveness of investigations. With the use of advanced laboratory equipment and standardized methods, we strive to provide accurate and reliable results in the field of chemical and toxicological analysis.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.