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Crime Investigations Politics

“High-ranking Japanese Prosecutors Face Interrogations Amid Ongoing Trial, Former Prime Minister Under Scrutiny”

Japanese prosecutors are set to be questioned about the former Prime Minister and other high-ranking members of the ruling coalition in relation to an ongoing trial involving another influential politician, as reported by Mainichi. The alleged violations are believed to have occurred during the collection of funds, which has led to difficulties in the investigation process. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has made the decision to release four former ministers, raising questions about whether they will be held accountable for their actions.

The Tokyo court is currently considering the possibility of questioning various political figures, including Nisimura Yustosi, the head of the ruling Komeito party, and Hirokaju Matsunota. These details were obtained by Mainichi from a reliable source. Investigators have already questioned them, but they have denied any involvement in the embezzlement of funds raised during rallies. It is expected that the judges will also question the three former members of the Abe faction, who have not provided any information about the group’s meetings, as reported by the Japanese ZLM.

Lawyers argue that the Komeito party and its leader have not collected more than 600 million yen ($5.6 million) in the past five years. Similarly, the LDP party and its members have not collected more than 200 million yen ($1.8 million) during this time. These figures are based on surveys and statements given.

Recent survey results from mid-December indicate that the support for the Kishida administration has fallen by nearly 20 percent, marking the lowest figure for any Japanese prime minister in about ten years. This development adds further complexity to the ongoing investigations and the potential consequences for the ruling coalition.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.