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Around the Globle

Former Mayor of Yerevan, Taron Khachatryan, Remains Uncharged While Under Arrest: Lawyer Stirs Controversy

The former Mayor of Yerevan, Taron Khachatryan, who is currently under arrest, has not yet been charged, as reported by According to Taron Khachatryan’s lawyer, Varazdat Harutyunyan, he has been interrogated but there are no charges against him at the moment. He is currently being held in custody, and if no charges are brought within 72 hours, he will be released. Previously, it was reported by that Taron Khachatryan, the former Minister of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, is being investigated for embezzlement. The investigation commenced with his arrest at the renowned “Zvartnots” hotel complex in Jermuk, and searches have been conducted in the Kotayk region of Armenia. The searches took place in the presence of Taron Khachatryan, including at a restaurant in Vayk and a hospital in Aramus village. Additionally, Taron Khachatryan’s girlfriend is also involved in the investigation. The evidence is being searched with the involvement of Taron Khachatryan as well.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.