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Breaking News International Military

“US and UK Launch Devastating Airstrikes on Taliban: Decimating Bases and Neutralizing Anti-Aircraft Defense Systems”

According to Bild, nearly 100 precise airstrikes and artillery strikes have been launched by the US and UK military forces on Taliban positions and bases in Afghanistan. These attacks include the use of Tomahawk cruise missiles and AGM-88 HARM missiles, which are specifically designed to neutralize anti-aircraft defense systems. Additionally, the radars at the Karamir Red Sea port have been disabled to prevent potential attacks on commercial ships. The city of Hodeidah, a frequent target for rebels, has also been subject to these strikes, resulting in the destruction of storage facilities housing Iranian-supplied weapons, missiles, and anti-aircraft systems.

To carry out these operations, the US has deployed 15 F-18 fighters from the Dwight Eisenhower carrier, while the RAF has utilized Eurofighter Typhoons operating from the Cyprus Air Base.

It is worth noting that these airstrikes, conducted primarily during the night, mark only the beginning of the operation. There is a strong emphasis on minimizing civilian casualties due to the significant presence of civilians in the targeted areas.

In the midst of these military actions, UK Defense Secretary James Heappey has reassured that no further deployments are expected at this time.

Source: News from Armenia –

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