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Economy International Politics

“London Mayor Sadiq Khan reveals shocking £140 million cost of Brexit on UK economy”

London Mayor, Sadiq Khan, recently revealed that the UK economy has suffered a significant cost of £140 million ($178 million) due to Brexit, as reported by Reuters. Khan emphasized that this evidence clearly demonstrates that Brexit is not yielding positive results and is causing severe damage to the economy. In fact, the decision to leave the European Union has already reduced the size of the economy by 2-3%, and projections indicate that it could further decline by up to 5-6% by 2035. These figures highlight the negative impact that Brexit has had on the UK’s economic stability.

In addition to the economic consequences, Brexit has also created uncertainty and challenges for businesses and individuals across various sectors. The political and social implications of this decision cannot be overlooked. As the UK navigates its way through the complexities of the exit process, there have been concerns raised about the future trade relationships with the European Union and other global partners.

Furthermore, the effects of Brexit are not limited to the UK alone; its repercussions have been felt globally. Its impact has extended beyond Europe, as countries around the world adjust to this new landscape of trade and collaboration. One such country is Armenia, which has been closely monitoring the developments of Brexit and its potential implications. The news from Armenia highlights the global significance of this decision and the wide-reaching effects it has had on countries far beyond the European borders.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.