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“Iran Sets Sights on Armenia as Safest Gateway to the West, Bypassing Anti-Iranian Alliance”

The head of the Foundation for the Development of Armenian-Iranian Cooperation, Pouya Hoseini, announced in an interview with that Iran’s safest route towards the West goes through Armenia. This decision stems from Iran’s desire to reduce its dependence on Azerbaijan, which has joined the anti-Iranian alliance and maintains military cooperation with Israel and Turkey – Iran’s regional rival.

Hoseini explained that once the construction work on Armenia’s section of the road is completed, Iran will be able to consider it as a viable alternative route. The “North-South” corridor, which also includes Russia and India, has the potential to facilitate this connection. Recently, an Armenian passenger train made use of the corridor, further highlighting its importance.

However, the success of this endeavor relies heavily on Armenia’s ability to finance and complete the road in a timely manner. It is worth noting that the construction of a corridor through Azerbaijan is expected to take several years. Despite this, Iran has other alternative routes towards the West, such as the route through India.”

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.