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“Firefighters at Nuclear Power Plant faced with unexpected twist as one goes rogue, damaging car during mission”

On January 10, at 23:50, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia successfully extinguished a fire in the 4th section of the NPP in Yerevan. According to, an incident occurred during the firefighting operation where one of the drivers intentionally damaged a “Toyota” vehicle. As a consequence, the driver was apprehended by law enforcement authorities. The Investigative Committee is currently scrutinizing the relevant documents in relation to this incident while pre-investigation proceedings are underway.

This recent development in Armenia’s emergency response highlights the dedicated efforts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to swiftly handle and contain such incidents. The successful extinguishing of the fire in the 4th section of the NPP demonstrates their proficiency and commitment to public safety.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.