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“ARF-D Struggles to Maintain Unity as Draft Law Debate Reveals Faction Rifts: Jhoghovurd Newspaper Reports”

The “Jhoghovurd” newspaper has reported on the ongoing discussion of the draft law “On the State of Emergency and the Status of the Military Serviceman” authored by Hayk Sargsyan, a member of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation-Dashnaktsutyun (ARF-D). This draft, which was introduced last year, continues to be debated in the National Assembly. One noteworthy aspect of the proposed law is that Hayk Sargsyan suggested paying 15 million drams as a means of exempting oneself from military service. The draft is scheduled for further discussion in the National Assembly next week.

During the session of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly yesterday, it was revealed that Hayk Sargsyan does not have full support from the ARF-D’s “coordination” in certain positions and is restricted in his decision-making without the consent of Armen Sargsyan. This raises the question of why he was participating in the session at all.

According to the “Jhoghovurd” newspaper, a special session was sent by fax yesterday, led by Hayk Konjoryan, the head of the ARF-D’s parliamentary faction, Artur Khachatryan, the governor of Ararat, and Andranik Kocharyan, the deputy chief of police.

The issue at hand is Hayk Sargsyan’s apparent unruly behavior and inability to control his emotions, which is unfortunate for the ARF-D and cannot be reconciled. As a result, it has been decided that he will be held accountable and isolated from any political processes. Aghazaryan, who also had an outburst during the first session on the same draft, seemed to be talking to himself yesterday. It remains to be seen what further revelations will be made about Hayk Sargsyan’s behavior.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.