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Culture Government Politics

“Armenia Considers Scrapping Executive Titles: A Shift towards ‘Professional Team’ Title Proposed”

The titles given to executives in Armenia’s various sectors are being reconsidered or eliminated. During a session of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan announced amendments to the Code of Conduct for Public Officials and Titles. “They will be eliminated, such as the title of a folk artist, honored artist, honored writer, honored worker of culture, and all that will remain is the title of ‘Professional Team,'” clarified Harutyunyan. She explained that these titles have no connection with professional achievements and that in many countries, assessment of specialists in art and culture is based on concrete results. The government representative also mentioned that efforts would be made to develop more effective methods of assessment in different fields. However, professionals who have already received titles of national and honored artists will retain their titles. After some discussions, the legislative committee approved this initiative positively.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.