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Education Government Politics

“Unveiling the Unseen: Armenia Undergoing Transformational Reforms for a Better Future”

Significant changes are currently happening in Armenia, but they may not be immediately visible to the public. During a recent briefing in the National Assembly, the spokesperson for the ruling My Step faction, Arman Khachatryan, emphasized the ongoing reforms that are taking place. According to Khachatryan, these reforms are unlike anything the country has seen in decades, and they cannot be compared to the changes that occurred in the last 10-15 years. The spokesperson also highlighted the need for qualitative changes in the education system. As of 2015-2016, the process of filling vacancies in the educational system has worsened. To address this issue, the responsible authorities are working diligently to solve these problems. Khachatryan acknowledged that it will take time for the changes to fully take effect, as it requires at least four years for the generation of quality specialists from the military university to enter the field and make a difference.