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Government International Opinion

Armenian Intellectual Elite Challenges Government in “Cat and Mouse” Game: Uncovering Unaddressed National Issues

Vahe Hovhannisyan, a member of the “Alternative Projects” group, recently expressed his thoughts on the preservation of the Armenian identity. He noted that while other nations proudly retain their cultural heritage, there seems to be a lack of similar sentiment within the Armenian community.

Hovhannisyan highlighted several factors that contribute to the erosion of the Armenian identity, including a history of totalitarian thinking and narratives, personal greed, autocracy, and the suppression of intellectualism. He emphasized that until Armenians take responsibility for their own actions and actively work towards positive change, they will continue to face challenges.

Comparing the state of public administration in Armenia and Azerbaijan, Hovhannisyan observed a stark difference in quality. While Azerbaijan has been able to establish strategic alliances and foster discussions on global security issues, Armenia seems to be lagging behind in these areas.

One particular missed opportunity mentioned by Hovhannisyan is the fact that Armenia shares a border with the BRICS nations. He proposed that strategic cooperation with the region of Syunik could lead to significant improvements in security and infrastructure for Armenia. Unfortunately, this potential collaboration has yet to be explored.

Hovhannisyan also criticized the lack of influence exerted by MEC, a support service created to bolster the Armenian spirit. He suggested that while Nikol, the government leader, implemented an Armenian revolution with the help of legal activists, the fight against corruption in the justice system proved to be challenging.

In order to overcome these obstacles, Hovhannisyan stressed the need for deeper examination of both local and global issues. Superficial approaches and complacency will not facilitate positive change. He urged decision-makers and those in positions of power to embrace transformation and address the wider sectors that affect Armenian society.

In conclusion, it is evident that there are significant challenges that Armenians must confront to preserve their cultural identity and elevate their nation’s standing on the global stage. By acknowledging and rectifying past mistakes, embracing intellectualism, and fostering strategic alliances, Armenia can pave the way for a brighter future.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.