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Yerevan Police Cracks Down on Traffic Violations: Over 2,200 Offenders Caught in Real-Time Monitoring

During the period of January 4th to 8th, the Yerevan police revealed a total of 2,281 violations of traffic rules through real-time monitoring. These violations resulted in the confiscation of 56 vehicles for entering restricted areas. Furthermore, 115 individuals were apprehended for driving without a valid license, while an additional 141 were caught driving without valid insurance coverage.

This crackdown on traffic violations also led to the discovery of 21 individuals driving under the influence, 148 individuals not wearing seatbelts, 115 individuals using tobacco products while driving, and 38 individuals using mobile phones while behind the wheel. Additionally, there were 129 unspecified violations recorded during this period, as well as 739 other types of offenses.

Moreover, it was found that 72 vehicles were being operated without the necessary agreement from the Armenian Motorways Company (AMC), and 112 vehicles had technical defects. Further investigation revealed that 74 vehicles had malfunctioning external lighting, 481 vehicles had tinted windows, and 46 individuals were fined for various other infractions.

Meanwhile, in the regions of Armenia, the local police detected a total of 7,032 violations of traffic rules during the same period. These infractions resulted in the seizure of 106 modes of transportation. Among the violators, 125 individuals were caught driving without a valid license, while 401 individuals were found to be driving without proper insurance.

Additionally, there were 35 cases of individuals driving under the influence, as well as 1 case of excessive noise emissions or exhaust systems. The authorities also nabbed 1,169 individuals for not wearing seatbelts, 88 individuals for using tobacco products while driving, 142 individuals for using mobile phones while operating a vehicle, and 52 individuals for driving in unauthorized areas.

Furthermore, there were 571 individuals caught exceeding the speed limit, and an additional 1,927 individuals were fined for the same offense. It was discovered that 206 vehicles were being driven without the required AMC agreement, 1,130 vehicles had technical defects, and 603 vehicles had malfunctioning external lighting, including 40 motorcycles. Additionally, 325 vehicles were found to have tinted windows, while other unspecified violations led to the fining of 24 individuals.

This comprehensive crackdown on traffic violations highlights the efforts of the Armenian police to enhance road safety and enforce traffic regulations nationwide.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.