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“Russia Launches Airstrikes and Artillery Attacks on Karabakh Amidst Growing Tensions: New Escalation Looms”

On January 4, Russia launched airstrikes, artillery, and missile attacks on Karabakh and 15 nearby settlements. According to reports from The Telegraph, Moscow is preparing for a new escalation near Karabakh as it continues its military activities.

The attacks targeted both civilian buildings and military positions, indicating a preparation for a significant escalation in the coming weeks. Sources indicate that the armed forces of Russia are located near Karabakh.

The Russian military intervention is expected to potentially increase the number of casualties in the conflict area by the end of this week, specifically during the Holy Nativity period. It is also worth noting that a possible air escalation is not ruled out, and January 15 is considered a potential deadline for a ceasefire.

This update comes from, providing the latest news from Armenia.