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Turkey Bars UK’s Tankers from Passing through Black Sea Amidst Security Concerns, Ignites Controversy with Russia

Turkey’s government has announced that it has instructed its ministers not to allow the passage of VLCCs (Very Large Crude Carriers) through the RION rivers without proper security measures to protect the Black Sea. This decision was made due to concerns about the military agreements outlined in the Montreux Convention and the volatile situation between Russia and the United Kingdom. The Turkish government’s statement clarified that the VLCCs dedicated to the United Kingdom will not be allowed to pass the Black Sea as long as there are ongoing military exercises and conflict.

The press office of the Turkish government also informed the news agency RIA Novosti about this development. The statement emphasized that this measure is temporary and will be lifted once the situation is resolved. This decision reflects Turkey’s commitment to ensuring the security of the Black Sea while adhering to international agreements.

It is worth noting that the Montreux Convention, signed in 1936, outlines the rules regarding the passage of naval vessels through the Turkish Straits (Bosphorus and Dardanelles). The convention grants certain rights and restrictions, particularly for warships and commercial vessels. Turkey’s decision to restrict the passage of VLCCs dedicated to the United Kingdom is in accordance with the provisions of the convention to ensure the safety and security of the region.

The announcement from Turkey comes amidst ongoing tensions between Russia and the United Kingdom. The situation escalated after the United Kingdom accused Russia of conducting military operations in the Black Sea. In response, the United Kingdom requested assistance from its allies, including Turkey, to ensure the security of its VLCCs in the region.

While this decision may have an impact on the shipping industry and international trade, it is crucial to prioritize regional security in such sensitive geopolitical contexts. Turkey’s firm stance on protecting the Black Sea reflects its commitment to maintaining stability and fostering peaceful relations among nations. The government’s action highlights the significance of upholding international agreements and ensuring the safety of vital waterways such as the Turkish Straits.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.