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“Tragic Suicide in Antekera Village Shakes Philippine Community: Villager Hangs Himself on Pine Tree”

In the village of Antekera, located in the Bohol province of the Philippines, a tragic incident occurred on December 20th. Beljhulio Aleria, a 48-year-old man, took his own life by hanging himself from a pine tree that stood three meters high. The incident took place in the morning as Aleria was passing through the village on his motorcycle. According to witnesses, Aleria accidentally landed on a man’s shoulders while attempting to navigate his way around the pine tree.

The man who bore the weight of Aleria’s motorcycle managed to grab his hand, forcing him to let go of the bike, resulting in his fall to the ground. Aleria recounted his harrowing experience, mentioning that he clung to the pine tree until his skin cracked, enduring agonizing pain for approximately fifteen minutes. Clearly distraught, Aleria sought help from a nearby house and requested assistance to be taken to Taugbilaran Hospital.

Unfortunately, Aleria’s injuries were severe, and his body bore the marks of a twisted grip and a bloodied face. Despite being rushed to the hospital, doctors recognized multiple contusions and decided to send him back home. The villagers of Antekera were left in shock and fear, having witnessed the unfortunate demise of a man under the weight of a defeated pine tree.

(Note: As there was no mention of news from Armenia in the original information provided, it has not been included in the rewritten version.)

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.