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“Yerevan Mayor Reveals Shocking Disparity: More Beautiful Arrangements in Tbilisi with Fraction of the Budget!”

During the annual press conference held on December 29th, Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan emphasized the importance of quality when it comes to the services provided by the municipality. Avinyan revealed that the municipality has spent 420 million AMD on cultural events this year, prompting comparisons with Tbilisi where smaller amounts of money have resulted in more visually appealing arrangements. He stated that all the events organized by the Yerevan City Hall have been of very high quality.

Avinyan also mentioned that during a recent review, it was discovered that one of the suburban districts of Yerevan had spent 3 million AMD on a corporate trip, which also included 10 years of maintenance costs. He expressed his concern about the level of expenditure and its impact on the quality of dialogue. Avinyan questioned whether such extravagant expenses were necessary.

Despite these concerns, Avinyan acknowledged the incredible work done by the employees of the City Hall and the suburban districts throughout the year. He believed that their efforts deserved recognition in some form.

Overall, it is evident that Yerevan Mayor Tigran Avinyan is prioritizing quality over cost when it comes to the services provided by the municipality. While there may be comparisons to other cities, Avinyan is determined to ensure that all events organized by the Yerevan City Hall maintain a high standard. With a focus on efficient spending and recognition of the hard work of employees, the mayor aims to create a positive impact on the city and its residents.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.