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Around the Globle

“Road Expeditionary Unit Implements Innovations for Highway Safety on M-4 International Highway”

The “Road Expeditionary Unit” recently conducted a study on certain sections of the M-4 international highway and has come up with new plans to enhance road safety. Specifically, the sections of km10+300, km12+150, km14+660, and km16+330 have been targeted for improvement. As part of the new plans, the existing reversals in these sections will be closed and instead, the transport hubs of Ptghni and Abovyan will be suggested as alternative routes. To further ensure the safety of drivers, streetlights have also been installed in Ptghni village (km10+300).

These developments are crucial in promoting safer road travel and reducing accidents. The “Road Expeditionary Unit” should be commended for their efforts in identifying areas of concern and proposing effective solutions. By closing the reversals, the potential for dangerous collisions will be significantly reduced, benefiting drivers and passengers alike.

The decision to utilize the transport hubs of Ptghni and Abovyan as alternative routes not only improves road safety but also provides a more convenient and efficient travel experience. Drivers can now rely on these hubs for smooth and hassle-free reversals, avoiding the risks associated with the previous sections. This is a welcome change for those who frequently use this highway and will greatly contribute to a safer road environment.

Installing streetlights in Ptghni village is another commendable action taken by the authorities. Illuminating this particular section (km10+300) will enhance visibility during nighttime and adverse weather conditions. This is crucial, as poor visibility often leads to accidents and poses a significant threat to road users. With the presence of streetlights, drivers can now navigate through this area with ease and confidence, further promoting road safety.

In conclusion, the efforts made by the “Road Expeditionary Unit” to improve road safety on the M-4 international highway are commendable. By closing reversals and suggesting alternative routes through transport hubs, drivers can enjoy safer and more convenient travel. The installation of streetlights in Ptghni village further enhances visibility, reducing the risks associated with poor lighting conditions. These initiatives are crucial steps towards creating a safer road environment for all road users.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.