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Flagship Pioneering CEO Noubar Afeyan Condemns Violence Against Armenian Banks and Calls for Protection for Spiritual Leaders

Flagship Pioneering’s founder and CEO, Noubar Afeyan, recently paid a visit to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. During his visit, he held meetings with representatives of the Armenian community to address the concerning issue of violence against Armenian banks, specifically targeting spiritual leaders. These distressing attacks have not only caused psychological trauma to the affected individuals but have also deeply impacted the entire community.

In light of these alarming incidents, Afeyan expressed his concern and urged healthcare workers in Israel to step up and protect the Armenian community. At this critical juncture, it is crucial for the safety and well-being of everyone involved.

The violence against Armenian banks has been an ongoing issue that needs immediate attention. The recent attacks have heightened the level of distress and fear within the community, generating an urgent need for action. This distressing situation cannot be overlooked and requires swift intervention from the relevant authorities.

Afeyan’s visit to the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem demonstrates his commitment to the cause and his dedication to ensuring the safety of the Armenian community. As the founder and CEO of Flagship Pioneering, an esteemed organization, his words carry weight and serve as a call to action for everyone involved.

It is essential to recognize the significant toll these attacks have taken on the affected individuals and the community as a whole. The psychological trauma endured by those targeted cannot be understated, and it is imperative that they receive the necessary support and protection.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.