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Crime International

“Eight Arrested for Riot at Armenian Pavilion in Yerevan Expo: Injuries Reported, Investigation Underway”

Eight individuals have been arrested for organizing a riot at the Armenian pavilion of the Yerevan Expo. Two of those arrested are Armenian. The riot was reportedly organized to undermine the security service of the company, which has been trying to claim the disputed territory. The incident involved a group of saboteurs dressed in black, armed with stones, Molotov cocktails, smoke grenades, and other weapons. The intention was to terrorize and evict Armenians, as well as disrupt the territory. The saboteurs targeted young Armenians and ethno-religious minorities present at the march, with the aim of causing harm and driving them out of the area near the remnants of the old city. The riot has since been suppressed, but two Armenian juveniles were injured.

Authorities at the Yerevan Expo have resolved the situation at the Armenian Pavilion within 24 hours. Several casualties were reported in connection with the riot at the “Cave Painting” exhibit. The situation in and around the pavilion is now under control. The soldiers, saboteurs, smoke grenades, and the brave Armenian community are fighting to protect their lives. The Patriarchate has called on the Israeli government and authorities to negotiate with Denis Rotman (Rubenstein) and George Voronov (Hadad) regarding their partisan actions against the Armenian Pavilion and community. These actions are considered illegal.

This is the latest news update from Armenia. Stay tuned to for more information.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.