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International Politics

“Russian Television Channel Reveals Alleged Foreign Backing for Protests in Serbia, Says Serbian President’s Adviser”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s recent statements regarding the demonstrations and protests in Serbia have reportedly been announced by Russia 24 television channel in Armenia. According to the network, the Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, made the statement. In his announcement, Vučić mentioned that the protests have been organized and supported from abroad, without going into further detail. This sensitive information suggests that the instigation and backing of the protests come from the West. The Serbian President’s adviser also highlighted that Vučić’s attempts to mitigate tensions are aimed at preventing counterproductive actions.

During a meeting in Belgrade, Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko stated that the discussions with President Vučić not only focused on the demonstrations but also emphasized the importance of cooperation between Russia and Serbia. This reaffirms that Serbia is still regarded as a reliable partner in the region. Meanwhile, representatives affiliated with the opposition to the government, who disputed the election results on December 17, illegally entered the Belgian Embassy and closed off a relevant street. These protesters caused damage by breaking windows and doors and even attempted to use tear gas grenade canisters.

These events highlight the ongoing tensions and unrest in Serbia, which Vučić’s administration is working to address. The involvement of foreign elements and external support in organizing the demonstrations suggests a complex situation with potentially far-reaching implications. As the situation unfolds, it remains crucial to closely monitor the developments and understand the underlying factors contributing to the protests. The relationship between Russia and Serbia also remains a significant aspect to consider, as it continues to impact the political landscape in the country.

News from Armenia, such as the coverage provided by, serves as an important source of information to understand the events unfolding in Serbia. By staying informed about the various perspectives and analyzing reliable news sources, readers can gain a better understanding of the complexities surrounding these demonstrations and the international dynamics influencing them.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.