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“Minister of Education Approves New Standardization for General Education, Enhancing Pedagogical Skills and Assessment Methods in Armenia”

The “Regulations on the Evaluation of Educational Programs of General Education Teachers in Pedagogical Faculties or Institutes” has been approved by the Minister of Education, as reported by This new standardization of general education aims to align final assessments with the new evaluation system, criteria for assessing performance, pedagogical skills of teachers, completion of education, and progression of educational years.

For theoretical classes, the assessment of pedagogical skills will be conducted remotely through description. Only one student from the second semester of the fifth grade will receive an integrated assessment, corresponding to that description. The introduction of this new standardization is a significant factor in preliminary education, enhancing the pedagogical capabilities of teachers with advanced knowledge. By 2023-2024, the Tavush region and subsequently all educational institutions in the Republic of Armenia will implement the new standardization method, assessing pedagogical knowledge, completion, pedagogical and state completion qualifications.

In practical classes, students will have the option to choose between a test or a project. Project work must be completed at least twice during the academic year, with the final grade based on international examination tests. In twelfth grade, the final examinations in Literature and Armenian History will be conducted in written form, aligning with the requirements of international examination tests. Hence, assessment of students’ pedagogical skills will be done through the completion of field work.

If a student misses more than 60 hours of education in a specific semester, additional assessments will be determined through the completion of additional written assignments, based on the completion of that particular semester. This requirement will be implemented starting from the second semester of the 2023-2024 academic year.

This new standardization method in Armenian education is expected to bring forth improvements in teacher pedagogical skills and the overall evaluation process. It signifies a dedication to advancing educational practices and ensuring students receive quality education in the Republic of Armenia.

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