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Local News Travel Weather

“Severe Winter Weather Conditions in Armenia: Multiple Roads Closed and Difficult to Pass”

A public service statement has been issued to inform the public about the current road conditions in the Republic of Armenia. It states that certain roads in the region are closed and difficult to pass. Specifically, the roads leading from the “Amberd” highland meteorological station to Amberd fortress and the Karili Lake are closed. Additionally, the Vardenyats Pass, including the tunnel and road, is closed for cargo and other transportation vehicles.

The statement further mentions that several highways, namely Dilijan-Yerevan, Dilijan-Vanadzor, November-Ijevan, Ijevan-Berd, and Saravan-“Zangar”, are closed for cargo transportation vehicles. The Berd-Chambarak and Jermuk-Khachmerukh roads are closed for all types of transportation vehicles. Cargo transportation vehicles are also cautioned about the difficult conditions on the Spitak and Stepanavan slopes, while the Dilijan slopes and the town of Jermuk are completely closed for cargo transportation.

In addition to these road closures, the Alagyaz-Artik road and tunnel are also difficult to pass for all types of transportation vehicles. The severe weather has partially affected various areas including Jermuk town, Tatever-Ltsen, Goris-Sisian, Sisian-“Zangar” sections, Aparan, Aragats, and Talin regions, as well as Lanchik-Mastara and Aparan-Tsilkar roads. The towns of Spitak, Stepanavan, and Vanadzor have also experienced some impact.

Furthermore, the towns of Gyumri, Akhuryan, Ashotsk, and Amasia regions, along with Goris, Sisian, Chambarak towns, and Gorayk village, are heavily affected by the snowfall. This information has been provided by the National Crisis Management Center of Armenia and the South Ossetian Regional Directorate of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Given the current weather conditions, drivers are strongly advised to exercise caution and travel carefully, especially in snowy areas.


Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.