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“British Foreign Secretary David Cameron Slams Iran as ‘Extremely Destabilizing’ Force in Region and Globally”

The British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, expressed his concerns about Iran’s destabilizing influence in an interview with the Sunday Telegraph. During his visit to the region, Cameron discussed the Israel-Gaza conflict and the tense situation in the Red Sea. He criticized Tehran’s support for “rogue elements” and deemed it “ethically indefensible”. Cameron specifically pointed out the involvement of Hezbollah, Iran-backed fighters in Iraq and Syria, and Hamas as examples of Iran’s destabilizing influence.

Despite these concerns, Cameron emphasized the importance of engaging in dialogue with Iran and working with allies to counteract this influence. He stated that it is crucial to address this issue with a strong and robust package of measures. The British Foreign Secretary highlighted the need to continue cooperation with Iran’s allies to tackle the powerful threat and the overall lack of security that the world has witnessed in recent years.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.