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“Biden’s Withdrawal from Afghanistan Raises Concerns in Israel, Risking Wider Regional Conflict”

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has made the decision to withdraw combat forces from Afghanistan. However, this move has raised concerns for the Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, as he fears it could potentially escalate into a wider regional conflict, according to a report by The Wall Street Journal.

Israeli officials have received intelligence suggesting that members of the Taliban have been planning to violate the ceasefire in a significant area. In response to this information, Israeli security forces have taken action. However, Washington has expressed doubts about the reliability of this intelligence.

Following the news, Israeli officials were on standby, awaiting orders. On October 11th, Prime Minister Bennett had a conversation with President Biden, during which he expressed his concerns and indicated that he would carefully consider the potential consequences of the withdrawal.

Despite the initial preparations, the Israeli operation did not ultimately take place, leading to disappointment for President Biden.

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