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Around the Globle

“Armenian Territory Blanketed in Fog and Freezing Temperatures, Brace for Unusual Weather Conditions”

In the territory of the Republic, there will be fog and mist, as well as freezing on the roads on the evening of December 24 and overnight into the 25th. From the evening of the 25th to the 29th, there will be no precipitation. The wind will blow southwest at a speed of 4-7 m/s, with gusts of 28-33 m/s in separate regions on December 24-25, and 14-17 m/s on the 26th. The air temperature will rise by 4-6 degrees Celsius on the evening of December 25-26.

According to the “Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center”, in Yerevan, there will be fog and dense fog in the city’s heights, and low fog in the lowlands from the afternoon of December 24 until the 25th overnight. From the evening of the 25th to the 29th, there will be no precipitation. The wind will blow southwest at a speed of 4-7 m/s, with gusts of 17-20 m/s on December 24-25.

In the morning, the air temperature in Yerevan will be 0-2 degrees Celsius, while in the evening, it will be +7-+9 degrees Celsius. The temperature in other regions will vary:

In Shirak, the temperature will range from -8 to -13 degrees Celsius at night, and from -1 to +2 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Kotayk Mountains, the temperature will range from -5 to -7 degrees Celsius at night, and from -2 to +2 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Kotayk Highlands, the temperature will range from -2 to -4 degrees Celsius at night, and from +4 to +7 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Sevan Lake area, the temperature will range from -6 to -10 degrees Celsius at night, and from -2 to +2 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Lori, the temperature will range from -5 to -8 degrees Celsius at night, and from +3 to +5 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Tavush, the temperature will range from -1 to -3 degrees Celsius at night, and from +4 to +7 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Aragatsotn Mountains, the temperature will range from -8 to -13 degrees Celsius at night, and from 0 to 2 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Aragatsotn Highlands, the temperature will range from -2 to -5 degrees Celsius at night, and from +4 to +7 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Ararat Province, the temperature will range from -2 to +1 degrees Celsius at night, and from +7 to +10 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Armavir, the temperature will range from -1 to -4 degrees Celsius at night, and from +7 to +9 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Vayots Dzor Mountains, the temperature will range from -7 to -9 degrees Celsius at night, and from -1 to +2 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Vayots Dzor Highlands, the temperature will range from 0 to -2 degrees Celsius at night, and from +6 to +10 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Syunik Meadows, the temperature will range from 0 to +3 degrees Celsius at night, and from +9 to +12 degrees Celsius in the evening.

In Syunik Highlands, the temperature will range from 0 to -5 degrees Celsius at night, and from +3 to +6 degrees Celsius in the evening.

That’s the latest news from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.