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Government Law & Order Politics

“Shakeup Expected in Armenian Judicial System: Judges Relocation and Dismissals Imminent, Zhoghovurd Reports”

Changes are expected in the judicial system of the Republic of Armenia, according to the “Zhoghovurd” newspaper. There is information indicating a process of judges being relocated, and it is possible that many of them will be released from their positions.

On December 19, it was reported that judges of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia had been appointed based on the decision made by Nikol Pashinyan.

In addition, our sources informed us on October 14 of this year, that some judges of the Court of Cassation proposed Greg Minasyan, the former Chief of Justice of the Court of Cassation, as a candidate for the new Chief of Justice. However, Minasyan declined the offer. We have received information indicating that Minasyan is the only candidate of value. Therefore, the rejection of the chief’s position did not have any significance, and Greg Minasyan was appointed to the Court of Cassation through a political decision.

For more detailed information, you can refer to today’s edition of the “Zhoghovurd” newspaper.

News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.