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“Nikol Pashinyan Asserts Authority: Dismisses Non-Constructive Members of PAP Party, Sends Message to Deviators”

The People newspaper has reported that Nikol Pashinyan has made the decision to dismiss non-constructive members of the PAP party. According to sources from The People, during a recent meeting with the government and the opposition group, Pashinyan criticized the PAP party’s political rhetoric, TV programs, and projects. He emphasized the importance of maintaining constructive dialogue and avoiding deviation from it.

Furthermore, it has been observed that Pashinyan’s supporters have been removed from the PAP in recent times. This serves as a lesson to other members of his team, illustrating the consequences for those who stray from his speech and programs. In particular, Sargs Aleksanyan, who was removed from the PAP, has exhibited an increased level of malice by spreading false news. His removal has only intensified his destructive behavior.

The leaders of the PAP, while punishing individuals engaged in destructive and extremist actions, argue that there are people acting out of personal interests. However, it is intriguing to question the presence of the PAP’s leadership, their accountability, any anomalous events, and their statements. It is worth noting that Sargs Aleksanyan, a close associate of Vilen Gabrielyan, Arman Pambukhchyan, and several others, participated in the election campaign.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.