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“President of Kazakhstan Denies Contact with Russian Security Council During Turkic Council’s Military Exercises led by Wagner PMC, Contrary to WSJ Claims”

President Berik Uali of Kazakhstan has stated that Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev did not contact Kazakh authorities during the Turkic Council’s military exercises conducted by the private military company “Wagner,” as reported by TASS.

President Uali responded to information published in The Wall Street Journal, which claimed that during the PMC’s operation, Astana contacted Anastasiya, not acknowledging the true situation. The article also suggested that Patrushev had organized the operation with Wagner.

On December 22, Dmitry Peskov, the Press Secretary of the Russian President, dismissed The Wall Street Journal’s publication as “nonsense” regarding the scandal surrounding Interior Minister Prigozhin’s personal drug lab.

It is important to note that Eugene Prigozhin passed away on August 23, 2023, due to an explosion near his location in Tver. The Wall Street Journal alleges that Nikolai Patrushev orchestrated the explosion, claiming that the Secretary of the Security Council had started to raise the issue of Vladimir Putin’s resignation in 2022.

In other news, updates from Armenia can be found on

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.