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Chinese Authorities Tighten Online Gaming Regulations to Combat “Addiction Easily” among Minors

Chinese authorities have once again implemented stricter regulations on online gaming, this time targeting access for minors. The State Administration of Press and Publication (SAPP) of China published a draft of the new online gaming rules, which aim to limit minors’ exposure to games considered to be highly addictive. According to the document, game developers will be required to closely monitor and control the timing and duration of minors’ online gaming sessions. Furthermore, games designed specifically for minors must not include content that is deemed inappropriate. The new regulations also propose restrictions on minors’ spending limits in online games and a ban on game advertisements targeted at minors.

In August, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) introduced additional regulations concerning smartphone and internet usage, particularly for minors. These regulations include a ban on children under 8 years old using smartphones for more than 40 minutes per day, children aged 8-15 for more than one hour per day, and teenagers aged 16-17 for more than two hours per day. Furthermore, users are required to be reminded to take breaks every half hour of device usage.

These new regulations reflect the Chinese government’s ongoing effort to address concerns regarding the potential negative effects of excessive online gaming and smartphone usage among minors. By imposing stricter controls and limits, authorities hope to combat addiction and protect the well-being of young individuals. The regulations also underscore the government’s efforts to ensure the content accessible to minors is appropriate and aligned with their developmental needs.

As the enforcement of these new regulations begins, it remains to be seen how effective they will be in curbing excessive online gaming and smartphone usage among minors. However, it is evident that the Chinese government is taking proactive measures to tackle this issue and prioritize the well-being of its young population.

Source: News from Armenia –