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“Tragedy in Stepnakert: 218 deceased, 120 injured in warehouse incident, 3 still missing, identities of 135 victims confirmed”

In the warehouse of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Stepanakert, there were 218 casualties and 120 injured as a result of the conflict, according to the Civil Committee of the International Television Company. The fate of 3 out of the 218 dead is still unknown, while the identities of 135 individuals have been clarified through forensic investigation.

About 1000 people sought shelter in the closed territory of the warehouse during the time of the conflict.

Preliminary data from the warehouse of the Ministry of Emergency Situations indicate that there were 300 thousand liters of gasoline, 77 thousand liters of diesel fuel, and approximately 42 thousand liters of benzene.

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Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.