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Arts Culture Politics

“Gagik Tsarukyan Holds Promising Meeting with Artsakh’s Culture and Science Sectors to Boost Creative Advancements”

Gagik Tsarukyan had a meeting today with representatives from the culture and science sectors of Artsakh. The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the creation of favorable conditions for cultural activities and the development of programs for potential assistance and collaboration.

In his statement, Gagik Tsarukyan emphasized the importance of unity during the challenging transitional phase, urging everyone to support and motivate each other. He also highlighted the significance of preserving the spiritual values, culture, art, and literature of Artsakh.

Throughout the meeting, various offers and proposals were presented, all aimed at enhancing the conditions and promoting progress in Artsakh.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.