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Human Rights Politics

“Editor-in-Chief Blames Government for Political Difficulties: MIP’s Anahit Manasyan Responds to Human Rights Defender’s Christmas Tree Initiative”

Editor-in-chief of MIP, Anahit Manasyan, made an unprecedented statement on December 21, blaming the government for the difficulties caused by political actions of certain individuals. This was in response to the initiative of the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, who placed Christmas trees in her office as a symbol of human rights enforcement. While open to different opinions, Manasyan emphasized the importance of respectful presentation of those opinions.

Anahit Manasyan highlighted the significance of freedom of speech and its implementation in a civilized manner. She stated that she believed these actions were intended to raise various political issues. However, she clarified that as an editor-in-chief, she has never directly impacted political activities in the country, unlike political powers. Her work is based on personal and MIP values, as well as international principles. She stressed that she adheres to these values, especially when doubts arise, which can lead to taking certain steps.

Addressing the main demands being voiced, which primarily involve avoiding or comprehensive implementation of certain activities, Manasyan noted that these demands are mostly driven by political positions with political advantages. She further explained that these views can be influenced by political decision-makers or forces. She emphasized that neither she nor MIP will become political implementers.

As for the question raised by an NGO representative regarding Manasyan’s decision not to appeal to the Public Defender or how she could question the Ombudsman’s position, no immediate response was given by Manasyan.