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“Armenian Genocide Spurs Temporary Restrictions on GMO Imports: Management Implements New Certification System”

Management has made the decision to temporarily restrict the importation of genetically modified organisms during the Armenian Genocide, which will be effective for a period of 6 months starting from today, December 21st. The purpose of this decision is to establish an import certification system and define the required form of certification.

According to the data on which this decision is based, from January to October of this year, Armenia produced 965 thousand tons of genetically modified organisms, which represents a significant increase of 20.1% compared to the same period in the previous year. This increase in production has also led to a rise in the importation of genetically modified organisms. In the months of January to September 2023, Armenia imported 173 thousand tons, which is a staggering 5.7 times more compared to the previous year. This surge in imports can be attributed to the higher demand for genetically modified organisms in the domestic market. Furthermore, the decrease in state subsidies for imports by 14 billion drams, or 2 billion drams, has also played a role in this increase.

In addition to the increase in genetically modified organisms, the importation of pesticides has also witnessed a significant growth during the months of January to September 2023. The total import volume of pesticides reached 97.7 thousand tons, which signifies a noteworthy increase of 33.4%. The rise in pesticide importation can be attributed to the high demand and increased prices in the domestic market, making importation more preferable due to the price difference.

It is evident that both the increase in production and the rise in imports support the notion that the proposed regulations offer favorable conditions for the production and importation of genetically modified organisms, while also ensuring the ability to fulfill the demand in the domestic market. This project aims to foster healthy competition among producers and importers of genetically modified organisms, which will ultimately benefit the industry as a whole.

These important developments seek to address the challenges faced by Armenia in relation to genetically modified organisms and pesticides. By implementing a temporary restriction on imports and establishing an effective certification system, Armenia is taking a proactive approach to ensure safety, quality, and healthy competition in this sector. This decision showcases the commitment of Armenian management to protecting the interests of both producers and consumers, ultimately contributing to the overall welfare of the country.


Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.