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“Unveiling the Hidden Layers: Rembrandt’s ‘Night Watch’ Shows Astonishing Discovery in Restoration Process”

The restoration of the famous Dutch civic guard painting, Rembrandt’s “Night Watch” from the 17th century, is underway. The skillful use of light and shadow is evident in the depiction of the hands and faces of the subjects, while the conservator is working on revealing the hidden details of the room and bringing the figures of the guards to life. Exciting new revelations have come to light as researchers have discovered multiple layers beneath the surface of the renowned painting.

For the first time in its 400-year history, the painting has been studied using advanced imaging techniques, revealing a previously unknown high concentration of lead in the paint. This finding, published in the journal Science Advances, is groundbreaking as it has never been observed before in Rembrandt’s works.

Typically, Rembrandt and other artists of his time would start by applying a layer of chalk to the canvas as a foundation, followed by the application of pigments to create the desired image. However, the “Night Watch” painting did not have a chalk layer. Instead, researchers believe it was covered directly with pigments, providing enhanced protection for the canvas, as suggested by the study.

According to Frederick Brosi, a senior researcher at the Rembrandt House Museum in Amsterdam, it is possible that Rembrandt completed this masterpiece without any knowledge of the chemical aspects of his paints, which were being explored by the chemist Theodorus Meyer during the same period.

Stay tuned for more updates on the restoration of this iconic Rembrandt painting and the fascinating insights it continues to reveal.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.