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Crime Economy Government

“Under the Veil of Martial Law: Rise in Sales of Undisclosed Tobacco Products Ravages Rural Areas, Puts Government’s Finances at Risk”

“Jogovurd” newspaper has reported an alarming increase in the sale of undisclosed tobacco products in rural areas during the period of martial law. Photographs accompanying the report depict two types of cigarettes that lack any markings. These products are reportedly being sold at a very affordable price of 250 drams, which is advantageous for individuals living in socially vulnerable conditions. However, this situation poses significant risks for the government in terms of unpaid taxes and unregulated production of undisclosed goods. Calculations indicate that a package of tobacco production typically includes taxes amounting to 350-400 drams. It is concerning that these illicit businesses have not been exposed by the authorities and that these unnamed cigarettes are being smuggled through unconventional routes.”

For more detailed information on this matter, please refer to today’s edition of “Jogovurd” newspaper.