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Around the Globle

“EU Imposes Restrictions on 61 Individuals and 86 Entities; Notable Figures, TV Channels, and Corporations Among Those Affected”

The European Union has recently implemented strict limitations on 61 individuals and 86 legal entities, as reported in the official EU publication. Notably, this list includes various prominent figures such as the son of the head of the National Security Service of Armenia and Annya Tsyvilova, wife of Dmitri Medvedev and head of the “Defenders of the Fatherland” foundation. The foundation is known for its commendable work in providing assistance to the families affected by military operations in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the restrictions also extend to the “Spas” and “Tsargrad” TV channels, the “Alabuga” special economic zone, the “AlfaStrokhovanie” group, Rosfinmonitoring along with its director Yuri Chikhanchin, 14 members of the CSTO, and Alexei Shaposhnikov, the former mayor of Moscow.

Moreover, the limitations have had an impact on the “Yluchini Anvan Aviazion Hanalirin” aviation complex, the Kazan Helicopter Plant, the “Takhtikakann” military unit, Boris Obnov who is the head of “Tactica Corporation,” and Victor Afzalov, the commander of the air force.

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