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Elections Government Politics

“Armenia Considers Proposal to Regulate Election Campaign Financing for Fair Political Competition”

The interpretation of election campaign spending by political parties and candidates in a given district should not differ significantly. It is essential that the sources of financing are transparent, accountable, and ensure equal opportunities for fair political and financial competition. On December 19th, the Public-Republican Interparliamentary Assembly of the National Assembly held a discussion on a proposal made by Ardzvik Minasyan, a candidate from the “Armenia” bloc.

The Committee delved into the proposed amendments to the Electoral Code, which were submitted by deputies Arpine Davoyan and Tigran Sarkisyan. These amendments aim to modify various laws, including the “Election Code of the Republic of Armenia” and the “Law on Self-Government Bodies.” The focus of the proposal is to regulate campaign financing, with the objective of ensuring transparency in the financial activities of political parties and contributions during pre-election campaigns.

During the discussion, Minasyan emphasized that the current powers vested in the Electoral Code and the Central Electoral Commission are insufficient. He argued that these two entities should have a closer relationship. Minasyan shed light on the fact that even political parties that receive only 2% of total financing also benefit from overall funding. However, it remains unclear whether these funds should be used to finance the organizations themselves or if the organizations should also provide financial reports.

In relation to the proposed amendments, Minasyan stated that the provisions are not clearly defined in either daily or special acts. He highlighted a specific provision that mandates political parties to demonstrate calculations based on the population. This requirement contradicts the definite rules regarding financial reports, which are not subject to review.

In agreement with Minasyan, a committee member also emphasized the importance of providing information about specific organizations in cases of significant campaign financing. However, there is still a question surrounding whether all members of political parties and their small contributions should also be subjected to disclosure, which requires further discussion.

The proposal was approved that the issue of free services or small donations made by all members of political parties should be included in the ongoing discussions.

News from Armenia –

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