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Local News

“Yerevan municipality unveils ambitious plan to replace 500 windows in multi-apartment buildings”

An announcement was made today, December 18, during a regular session of the Yerevan municipality’s executive body, regarding the replacement of windows in multi-apartment buildings as part of a renovation project. The plan is to replace a total of 100 windows initially. However, it doesn’t stop there; additional contracts are expected to be signed for the replacement of another 400 windows with brand new ones.

This renovation initiative aims to improve the overall quality and aesthetics of the buildings while enhancing the living conditions for residents. With new windows, tenants can benefit from improved insulation, noise reduction, and energy efficiency.

The decision to replace the windows in these multi-apartment buildings comes as a significant step towards modernizing the infrastructure and ensuring the comfort of the residents in Yerevan. The project highlights the municipality’s commitment to invest in the improvement of public spaces and facilities, making the city more attractive and sustainable.

Beyond the visual transformation, the replacement of windows will have tangible benefits for the environment as well. The new windows are expected to provide better insulation, reducing energy consumption and ultimately contributing to a greener future.

The process of replacing the windows will commence promptly, and residents will be duly notified about the timelines and any necessary preparations. This project is undoubtedly a positive development for Yerevan, as it showcases a proactive approach towards infrastructure upgrades and the overall well-being of its citizens.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.