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“Roads Closed and Challenging: Ministry of Emergency Situations Advises Caution in Armenia”

The Ministry of Emergency Situations in the Republic of Armenia has issued a notification regarding the current road conditions in the country. According to the ministry, there are several roads that are closed and difficult to traverse.

One of the closed roads is the Karilich road which passes through the “Amberd” high mountain meteorological station in Aragatsotn Province. Additionally, the Kapan-Sisian-“Zanger” road in Syunik Province is also closed for heavy vehicles.

Furthermore, the Vardenyats Pass, intended for heavy vehicles, is currently challenging to pass. Other roads that are difficult to traverse include those in the villages of Bavrazh, Lanjik, and Jajur in Shirak Province.

The ministry has also reported heavy fog in the Lori region and on the roads of Aragatsotn Province. Motorists are urged to exercise caution and plan their journeys accordingly.

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