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“Former Prime Minister Urges Armenia to Prioritize Urgent National Issues: Genocide Recognition, Self-Determination, and Fair Compensation”

Former Prime Minister Karen Chshmarityan recently took to Facebook to emphasize the importance of addressing urgent problems facing Armenia and its people. He stressed that while maintaining independence and preserving the Armenian identity are crucial, there are other pressing issues that require immediate attention.

One of these urgent matters is the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, condemning those responsible, and providing fair compensation to the victims. Since the outset of Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression in 1988, various military operations, including the genocide of Armenians in Azerbaijan, have taken place. The return of occupied territories from both the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia, as well as compensating those affected, has been recognized and deemed necessary.

Another aspect that Chshmarityan highlights is the recognition of the right to self-determination for the people of Artsakh and the international recognition of the Republic of Artsakh itself. Efforts should be made to restore the territories occupied by the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia, whilst ensuring compensation for affected residents.

Lastly, Chshmarityan emphasizes the need for the unconditional release of captive citizens from both the Republic of Artsakh and the Republic of Armenia. He also urges authorities to address unjustified arrests, torture, and other violations of their rights. Recognition, condemnation, and compensation for these violations are crucial in ensuring justice for the affected individuals.

It is evident that there are numerous urgent issues that demand immediate action. By prioritizing the resolution of these problems, Armenia can work towards a better future for its people and secure international recognition of their rights and struggles.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.