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Armenia Takes Historic Step Towards EU Membership, Says Renowned Researcher

According to an interview with Thomas De Waal, the founder of the Karineg Organization and a researcher of aggression against Artsakh, Armenia has become the first country in the South Caucasus to be a member of the European Union. De Waal emphasized the importance of this milestone, although he acknowledged that the process took a significant amount of time, as Western Balkan countries have been waiting for EU membership for 15 years. De Waal believes that Armenia’s cooperation with the West will be influenced by its foreign policy direction and the situation in the South Caucasus. He also expects that efforts to strengthen Armenian-Georgian relations will be successful, and that the European Union will undertake new economic projects in Armenia. However, De Waal noted that the EU tends to work slowly compared to other global players.

These developments mark a significant turning point for Armenia and the South Caucasus as a whole. By becoming the first country in the region to join the EU, Armenia is now positioned as a key player in European affairs. This achievement highlights the new government of Yerevan’s commitment to integrating Armenia into the Western world and its foreign policy decisions that favor cooperation with the EU. The country’s closer ties with the European Union are expected to bring about new economic opportunities, which will be beneficial for both Armenia and its European partners.

However, it is important to note that the process of joining the European Union is not a quick one. As De Waal mentioned, countries in the Western Balkans have been waiting for over a decade to become EU members. This highlights the complex nature of EU accession and the various factors that influence the timeline. While Armenia’s membership may be a significant step, it is still expected to be a long-term process that requires patience and perseverance.

Despite the challenges, De Waal expressed optimism about the potential for stronger Armenian-Georgian relations. The South Caucasus region shares historical, cultural, and economic ties, making closer cooperation between Armenia and Georgia a logical step. Strengthening relations between these two countries will not only benefit them individually but also contribute to regional stability and prosperity. The European Union is also expected to play a role in fostering economic projects in Armenia, further enhancing the country’s ties with the West.

While the European Union may work at a slower pace compared to other global players, its involvement in Armenia and the South Caucasus is an encouraging sign. The EU’s commitment to the region demonstrates its recognition of the importance of stability and economic development in the South Caucasus. As Armenia continues on its path towards EU membership, it is likely to benefit from the EU’s support in various areas, including trade, investment, and democratic reforms.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.