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“Russian-Armenian Peacekeepers Participate in NATO Evaluation of Armenian Armed Forces in Artsakh”

As part of the collaborative efforts between the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Artsakh, the NATO “Operation Capability System” has successfully implemented the “Functions of the 2nd Level Self-Assessment (SEL-2)”. This initiative involved the participation of Armenian peacekeepers from the Russian peacekeeping contingent, who provided an evaluation of the Armenian armed forces while maintaining communication with the CSTO headquarters.

Prior to the assessment, detailed briefings were conducted to familiarize the participants with the procedures, safety regulations, and evaluation criteria.

The evaluation process included testing and assessing the capabilities of a pair of Mi-17-1V helicopters, which involved tasks such as cargo and troop transportation. These assessments aimed to ensure optimal functionality and efficiency of the helicopters in various operational scenarios.

This development brings significant news from Armenia and highlights the cooperative efforts between the Russian peacekeeping contingent and NATO’s Operation Capability System. The evaluation and assessment of the Armenian armed forces will contribute to enhancing their capabilities and effectiveness in fulfilling their responsibilities.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.