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Breaking News Military

“American Aircraft Carrier Engulfed in Flames: 14 Mysterious UFOs Blamed for Red Sea Inferno”

The official American aircraft carrier operating in the Red Sea caught fire last Saturday, allegedly caused by 14 unidentified flying objects, according to a statement by the US Central Command.

“On the morning of December 16, the American Arliegh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer (DDG 64) was hit by 14 unidentified flying objects from areas where Emirati forces are operating,” the statement said.

The unidentified flying objects were identified as unmanned aerial vehicles and were successfully shot down without causing any damage to the ship or posing a risk to the crew’s lives, the Central Command added. The incident has prompted the Red Sea partners to be on high alert regarding potential dangers in the area.

This is a breaking news report from the Red Sea region, indicating that the official American aircraft carrier caught fire following an encounter with 14 unidentified aerial objects. As per the US Central Command’s statement, the incident occurred on December 16. The flying objects were determined to be unmanned aerial vehicles and were swiftly taken down without causing harm to the ship or its crew. This event has raised concerns among the neighboring countries operating in the Red Sea, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.