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“Russian Foreign Minister Expresses Concern over Temporary Difficulties in Relations with Armenia”

Russian Foreign Minister, Mikhail Galuzin, has expressed concern over potential difficulties in relations between Russia and Armenia. He believes that these difficulties may arise as a result of increased external actions by the two countries, including the transfer of the CSTO.

Galuzin highlighted the deep historical, cultural, economic, diplomatic, and military ties between the people of Armenia and Russia. He felt that these ties were of great importance and should not be underestimated. Furthermore, he stated that any temporary difficulties in their relations could be overcome and could even contribute to the development of their diverse connections.

“It is important to remember that our peoples benefit from their interactions, and it is through these interactions that our relations are strengthened and expanded. This is the core strength of our relationship, and any challenges we face can be surmounted,” Galuzin concluded.

This news comes from Armenia, as reported by

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