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Russian President Putin Declares: “Armenia Recognized Karabakh as Part of Azerbaijan, We Did Not Abandon It”

Russian President Vladimir Putin clarified that Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan and it was Armenia that recognized this fact, during an interview with the “Mir” TV channel. In response to a question about the current situation between Armenia and Moldova, President Putin emphasized that clear actions concerning Karabakh are not taking place in Armenia. He further stated that Armenia’s recognition of Karabakh’s status was done without informing Russia, which has its own implications. These political developments have undoubtedly created complexities in the region.

The statement made by President Putin sheds light on the ongoing integration processes in the Eurasian region. It highlights the challenges and current state of affairs in relation to the Karabakh issue. It is clear that this matter has caused significant political turbulence within Armenia.

President Putin’s remarks also prompt us to reflect on the impact of the recognition of Karabakh’s status on the involved countries. It is evident that this decision by Armenia has not been accompanied by concrete actions to facilitate the resolution of the Karabakh conflict. This raises questions about the effectiveness of Armenia’s approach in addressing this long-standing issue.

Moreover, the lack of communication between Armenia and Russia regarding the recognition of Karabakh’s status represents a significant concern. The absence of dialogue and transparency between these two nations on such a crucial matter raises eyebrows and suggests a level of disarray within the political landscape.

The news of Armenia’s recognition of Karabakh’s status as part of Azerbaijan has undoubtedly sent shockwaves throughout the region. This development has left many with mixed feelings due to its multifaceted nature. While it brings clarity to the territorial dispute, it also creates additional complexities in resolving the conflict.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.